de Boulle Catalog
Clothing & Accessories Holland & Holland offers an exclusive line of clothing and ac cessories that encompass a fabulous range of traditional, but technically advanced outdoor sporting clothing for not only the shooting public but also for the discerning ladies and gentlemen to combine both quality and style. The clothing is beautifully made using only the best of British fabrics. Bespoke tailoring and personal shopping services are also available as well as a superb array of luxurious accessories. The inspiration of our clothing collections come from our very own and loyal clients. We create a traditional British country life
style dresscode for what to wear, “Before,” “During” and “After” a shoot. The collections are specifically designed to be practical, functional and durable for all occasions, both at home and in the field, with great care being taken to ensure comfort and style at all times. Holland & Holland continue and support the very best of British manufacturing wherever and whenever they can. The Holland & Holland Gun Room at de Boulle Dallas oc cupies the second floor of the store and includes new and pre owned Holland guns, clothing and accessories.
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